Memories of a Misspent Student Loan – The FujiFilm Finepix A201 – A Retrospective Review

Everything starts somewhere. In late 2001 digital cameras were expensive – far too expensive for a college student who’s only income was £30 a week from a shift as a cycle mechanic in the local bike shop. No amount of wheel straightening and inner tube replacing was going to generate…

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Living the budget DSLR dream – Using an old, battered £5 Canon 40D with 300,000 clicks

The Canon 40D came out in 2007, the latest in a then well established line of “dedicated amateur” cameras. It is significant in that the 40D represented almost the last model designed to shoot only still images. After the 40D the priorities of DSLR manufacturers turned towards video and stills…

Read MoreLiving the budget DSLR dream – Using an old, battered £5 Canon 40D with 300,000 clicks